AI in Music: Challenges and Opportunities
Sep 2, 2024


Hey Amy, I just read something about AI in music. It's kinda cool but also scary. What do you think about it?


Oh, it's a hot topic right now! The Grammy Awards are even accepting music made with AI. But there are some rules. Want to know more?


Yeah, that sounds interesting. How does it work? Can a robot win a Grammy now?


Not exactly. The Grammy CEO, Harvey Mason Jr., said that only humans can submit music for awards. But they can use AI to help make the music. It's like using a really smart computer tool.


Oh, I get it. So it's like using a fancy calculator for math, but for music?


That's a good way to think about it! AI is already being used in music, mainly for things like mastering and equalizing sounds. But there are big concerns too, like making sure artists get paid fairly and their work isn't copied without permission.


Wow, that sounds complicated. Are musicians worried about AI taking their jobs?


Some are, yes. One musician, Devante, said he thinks AI shouldn't even exist in music. But others are more positive. They think AI could create new opportunities, just like how computers didn't replace workers but created new jobs.


I can see both sides. It must be scary if you've spent your whole life learning music. But also exciting to have new tools. Are there any famous AI music examples?


Actually, yes! There was a big case with Drake and The Weeknd. Someone made a fake song using AI that sounded just like them. It went viral, and people loved it. The person who made it even wanted to enter it in the Grammys!


No way! What happened? Did it win?


The Grammys didn't allow it. They said it wasn't eligible because it used AI voices without permission. It's a big issue now. There's even new laws being made to protect artists from AI fakes.


That's wild. Do you think people care if a song is made by AI or a real person?


Interestingly, many don't seem to care much. The Grammy CEO said consumers often don't check if AI was used. That's why it's so important to protect artists and make sure they're credited and paid fairly.


I guess it's like how we use autotune and don't really think about it. Do you think AI will change music a lot in the future?


It probably will, but not by replacing humans. The CEO thinks we'll learn to use AI like any other new music tool, like synthesizers or sampling. The key is finding a fair way to use it that respects human creativity. It's an exciting time for music!