YouTuber vs AI: The Battle Over Video Transcripts
Aug 15, 2024


Hey Amy, I heard something about YouTube and AI getting into a fight. What's that all about?


Oh, it's quite interesting, Sam! A YouTuber is suing a company called OpenAI because they used YouTube videos to teach their AI without asking permission.


Used videos to teach AI? How does that even work?


Well, OpenAI created a tool that can turn speech into text. They used this to write down what people say in millions of YouTube videos. Then they used all that text to teach their AI how to talk like a human.


But isn't everything on YouTube public? Why is that a problem?


Good question! Even though videos are public, using them this way might break rules. It's like if someone took your school project and sold it without telling you. The YouTubers think they should have been asked and maybe paid for their work.


I see. So the YouTubers are angry because the AI company is making money using their videos?


Exactly! The YouTuber who started the lawsuit says OpenAI made a lot of money from their AI, which learned from these videos. He wants the company to pay YouTubers for using their content.


Wow, that's complicated. Are other people upset about this too?


Yes, it's not just YouTubers. Writers, artists, and even music companies are worried about AI using their work without permission. It's a big debate right now.


I can see why people are upset. But isn't it hard for AI companies to make smart AIs without using stuff that's already out there?


That's the tricky part, Sam! AI needs lots of information to learn, but using that information without permission can cause problems. It's a balance between making cool technology and being fair to creators.


I hope they figure it out. It would be sad if AI couldn't get smarter, but it's not fair if people's work is used without them knowing.


You're right, it's a tough situation. This lawsuit might help decide how AI companies can use information in the future. It's an important step in figuring out the rules for AI.