Talking to Your Future Self: How AI is Boosting Optimism and Reducing Anxiety
Oct 17, 2024


Hey, did you hear about that AI where you can talk to a future version of yourself? Like, when you’re 60 years old?


Yeah, it’s called 'Future You,' right? MIT created it. You upload a selfie, and the AI makes a version of you at 60 or 70 years old. You can even chat with it!


That’s wild! So, you can actually ask your future self for advice?


Exactly! The AI uses your current life information, like your goals and concerns, and builds a conversation around what your life might be like. It’s supposed to make you feel more connected to your future.


Hmm, I wonder if it would help with my anxiety about the future. What do people think about it?


According to the study, most people said it made them feel less anxious and more motivated! They felt a stronger connection to their future selves, which helped them think more positively about their goals.


That’s pretty cool. I guess seeing yourself older makes the future feel more real, like something you can actually plan for.


Exactly! The researchers think that when you feel more connected to your future self, you're more likely to make better long-term decisions, like saving money or taking care of your health.


Makes sense! But what if the AI predicts something bad? Like, what if my future self says things didn’t turn out the way I wanted?


Good question! The AI reminds you that it’s just showing one possible future based on the info you give it. So if you change your answers or goals, the outcome changes too.


Oh, that’s a relief. It’s more like a 'what if' scenario, not a definite prediction.


Exactly! It’s more about making you think, not scaring you. The whole idea is to give you perspective and help you focus on what you can control now.


I like that! It sounds like a fun way to check in with yourself without freaking out about the unknown.


Totally. Plus, seeing an older version of yourself gives you a concrete image of the future, so it’s not just abstract. It makes the future feel more personal.


Yeah, I guess that could make it easier to stay motivated. I kind of want to try it now!


You should! It’s an interesting way to think about your life and what you want. And who knows, maybe your 60-year-old self will have some great advice for you!