The Great X Hack: When Crypto Scams Go Hilariously Wrong
Sep 23, 2024


Hey Amy, did you hear about that big hack on X? I saw some weird posts on my feed yesterday.


Oh yeah, I did! It was pretty crazy. A bunch of big accounts got hacked to talk about some new coin.


Wow, that sounds scary. Were people's accounts in danger?


Not exactly. The hackers weren't after personal info. They were trying to get people to buy a new cryptocurrency called HACKED.


HACKED? That's a funny name for a coin. Did they pick that because they hacked the accounts?


Exactly! They were pretty open about it too. They even said they were hacking accounts to make the coin popular.


That's so weird. Why would they tell everyone it's a hack? Wouldn't that make people not trust it?


You'd think so! It was a strange strategy. They said something like 'Let's make profits together' on the hacked accounts.


Did it work? Did people buy the coin?


Not really. The funny part is, after all that effort, the hackers only made about $8,000.


Only $8,000? That doesn't sound like much for such a big hack.


You're right, it's not. They probably spent more money setting up the hack than they made from it!


Ha! That's kind of funny. But I still don't get why they did it. What's the point of making a new coin like that?


Well, sometimes people create these 'memecoins' hoping they'll become popular quickly and make them rich. But it's very risky and often doesn't work out.


Oh, I see. So it's like trying to make something go viral, but with money?


That's a good way to think about it! But remember, a lot of these are scams. It's important to be careful with your money online.


Got it. Is there a way to keep our X accounts safe from hacks like this?


Good question! One tip is to check your account settings and remove any apps you don't use anymore. And always be suspicious of posts asking you to buy new coins, even from accounts you trust.