AI-Powered Crime Prediction: From Anime to Reality in Argentina
Aug 4, 2024


Hey Amy, have you heard about Argentina using AI to predict crimes? It reminds me of that anime Psycho-Pass!


Oh, you're right, Sam! It does sound similar. In Psycho-Pass, they used a system called Sibyl to measure people's criminal potential, right?


Yeah, that's it! But this is real life. Can AI really predict crimes like in the anime?


Well, not exactly like in Psycho-Pass. The AI in Argentina will look at old crime data to guess where new crimes might happen. It can't read people's minds or measure their 'Crime Coefficient' like in the anime.


That's a relief! But it still sounds pretty sci-fi. What else will it do?


They want to use face recognition to find wanted people, kind of like how the police weapons in Psycho-Pass could identify criminals. They'll also check social media for possible threats.


Wow, that's getting close to the anime! But in Psycho-Pass, things didn't always work out well, did they?


You're right, and that's why some people are worried about Argentina's plan. They think it might hurt people's rights, just like how the Sibyl System in Psycho-Pass had some big problems.


Oh no, I didn't think of that. Could innocent people get in trouble like in the anime?


That's one of the concerns. People worry that the AI might make mistakes or unfairly target certain groups. And some think people might stop expressing themselves freely if they know they're being watched.


That sounds scary. In Psycho-Pass, people's whole lives were controlled by the system. Could that happen in Argentina?


It's not likely to go that far, Sam. But it's good that people are talking about these issues now, before the system is fully in place. We don't want to end up in a real-life dystopia!


Definitely not! So what are people doing about it? Is there anyone fighting for justice like the main characters in the anime?


Well, there's no one person, but human rights groups are speaking up. They want the government to be very clear about how they'll use the AI and make sure it respects people's rights.


I hope they listen. It would be cool if AI could stop crimes, but not if it turns into a real Sibyl System!


Exactly, Sam. It's all about finding the right balance between safety and freedom. Let's hope Argentina can learn from Psycho-Pass and avoid the pitfalls of an all-powerful AI system.