Mt. Gox Begins Repayments: Impact on Bitcoin Market
Jul 8, 2024


Hey Amy, I heard something about Mt. Gox starting to pay back Bitcoin. What's that all about?


Yes, Sam! Mt. Gox, a major Bitcoin exchange that went bankrupt in 2014, has finally started repaying its creditors after almost 10 years.


Wow, that's a long time! How much Bitcoin are we talking about here?


It's a significant amount. Mt. Gox lost about 740,000 Bitcoin in a hack, but they recovered about 140,000 BTC. That's worth around $7.5 billion at current prices.


That's huge! Is this why Bitcoin's price dropped recently?


You're right, it did have an impact. Bitcoin fell to its lowest price in five months, around $53,600. There's concern that some creditors might sell their Bitcoin, causing price pressure.


I see. But won't all that Bitcoin being sold crash the market?


That's a good question, but many analysts think the impact might not be as severe as some fear. The 140,000 Bitcoin only represents about 0.7% of all Bitcoin in circulation.


Oh, that doesn't sound like too much when you put it that way.


Right, and not all creditors are expected to sell immediately. Some might hold onto their Bitcoin, and the repayments are being spread out over time.


That makes sense. How long will these repayments take?


It varies. Some customers might receive their payouts within days, while others could wait up to 60-90 days. But these are worst-case estimates.


Interesting! What do experts think will happen to Bitcoin's price in the long run?


Some analysts, like those at JPMorgan, expect some pressure on crypto prices in July, but they predict prices might start rebounding from August onwards.


That's good to know. It sounds like a big event for the crypto world!


Absolutely, Sam. It's a significant milestone in crypto history, marking the end of a long wait for many early Bitcoin adopters.