Exploring DecideAI's GPT-2 Launch on Internet Computer
Sep 1, 2024


Hey Amy, I heard something about AI and blockchain working together. What's that all about?


That's right, Sam! A company called DecideAI just did something really cool. They put a big AI language model called GPT-2 on a blockchain called Internet Computer.


Wow, that sounds complicated. Why would they want to put AI on a blockchain?


Good question! It's about making AI more open and fair. By putting it on a blockchain, they're trying to make AI less controlled by big companies and more available to everyone.


Oh, I see. But what's so special about this Internet Computer thing?


Internet Computer is a special kind of blockchain. It's really good at doing complex calculations, which is perfect for running AI models like GPT-2. It's like a super-smart computer spread across many different places.


That's pretty neat! But why is it important to make AI more open?


Well, when AI is controlled by just a few big companies, there can be problems. Like, they might not be clear about how they use people's data. By putting AI on a blockchain, it becomes more transparent and secure.


I get it now. So it's like making sure everyone can use and understand AI, not just big tech companies?


Exactly! And there's more. DecideAI wants to expand this idea to other blockchains too, like Ethereum and Solana. They think it could change how we use AI in lots of different areas.


Like what kind of areas?


Oh, all sorts! They're talking about using it in healthcare, government services, and even finance. For example, it could help detect fraud or assess risks in banking more easily.


That sounds really useful. But isn't AI already being used for those things?


You're right, it is. But this new way of doing it on a blockchain could make it more trustworthy and fair. Plus, it might work faster and be available to more people and companies.


I think I understand now. It's like making AI a public tool instead of a private one. But isn't it hard to put such a big AI model on a blockchain?


It is! That's why it's such big news. The Internet Computer blockchain has some special features that make it possible. The CEO of DecideAI said it's the only blockchain that can fully support big AI models like this.


Wow, that's impressive. Do you think we'll see more of this kind of thing in the future?


Definitely! This is just the beginning. As AI and blockchain technology keep improving, we'll probably see more ways they can work together to solve problems and create new opportunities.


That's really exciting, Amy. Thanks for explaining it to me!


You're welcome, Sam! It's a fascinating area, and I'm sure we'll hear more about it as time goes on. Keep an eye out for more news about DecideAI and other companies working on this kind of technology!