Blockchain Games: Big Money, Small Fun? The Web3 Gaming Puzzle
Jul 31, 2024


Hey Amy, I've been hearing a lot about blockchain games lately. What's the big deal? Are they really that different from regular games?


Well, Sam, blockchain games are supposed to be special because they use new technology. But honestly, many of them haven't been very fun to play.


Really? But I thought they were getting lots of money to make awesome games. What's going wrong?


That's the strange part. These companies are getting millions of dollars, but the games they make aren't very good. It's like promising to bake the best cake ever, but ending up with a plain cookie.


Haha, that's a funny way to put it. But why aren't people playing these games if they're supposed to be so cool?


Good question! Many of these games focus too much on making money from in-game items, instead of being fun to play. It's like if we only played soccer to sell our shoes, not because we enjoy the game.


Oh, I get it now. So what are good blockchain game makers doing differently?


Some smart companies are trying a new way. They're building a community first and making sure people actually like their games before promising big things.


That sounds better. Can you give me an example?


Sure! There's this company called Pixelverse. They made a simple game on Telegram that got 50 million players! Now they're working on bigger, better games because they know people already like what they do.


Wow, 50 million is a lot! Do you think blockchain games will ever be as popular as regular video games?


Many people think they will be, Sam. Some experts say it's just a matter of time before someone makes a really great blockchain game that millions of people will want to play.


That sounds exciting! I hope I get to play one of those games soon. Maybe we can even try one together when it comes out!


That's a great idea! Let's keep our eyes open for new blockchain games. Who knows? Maybe we'll discover the next big thing in gaming!