Procreate's Bold Stand: No AI in Our Art App
Aug 27, 2024


Hey Amy, did you hear about Procreate? They said they won't use AI in their app. What's that all about?


Oh yeah, it's big news in the digital art world! Procreate is a super popular app for making digital art on iPads. They just announced they'll never add AI features to their app.


Wow, that's a strong move. But why? Isn't AI supposed to make things easier?


Well, it's complicated. The CEO of Procreate, James Cuda, was really clear about it. He said he strongly dislikes generative AI. He thinks it's bad for artists.


Whoa, strong words! But what's the problem with AI in art apps?


The main issue is that AI art generators often use existing art to learn how to make new images. Some artists feel like their work is being used without permission to train these AIs.


Oh, I get it. It's like if someone copied my homework to learn, then started doing better than me in class. That doesn't seem fair.


That's a great way to think about it! There's actually a big lawsuit happening right now. Some artists are suing AI companies for using their art without asking.


But don't other art apps use AI? I thought it was becoming normal.


You're right, many are. Adobe, which makes popular apps like Photoshop, has added lots of AI features. But it's causing some problems. They had to change their rules because people thought Adobe might use their art to train AIs.


That sounds messy. Is Procreate the only one saying no to AI?


Not quite. Another app called Clip Studio Paint tried to add AI, but their users got so upset that they changed their minds. But Procreate is the biggest app to take such a strong stand against it.


So, what do artists think about Procreate's decision?


Many artists are really happy about it! They feel like Procreate is standing up for them. The company says they want to support 'human creativity' instead of chasing new tech.


That's cool! But won't they fall behind if everyone else is using AI?


That's the big question. Procreate says they might 'seem at risk of being left behind,' but they think supporting human artists is more important. It's a brave move in today's tech world.


I see. So it's like they're choosing sides in a big debate about art and technology?


Exactly! It's a huge discussion in the art world right now. Some think AI tools can help artists, while others worry it might replace human creativity. Procreate is firmly on the side of human-made art.


This is really interesting. I never thought making art apps could be so complicated!


Right? It shows how technology can change things we love, like art. Procreate's CEO said they don't know how this will end, but they believe they're on the right path. It'll be exciting to see what happens next!