Figma's AI Design Feature Controversy
Jul 4, 2024


Hey Amy, did you hear about something weird with Figma? My friend said they had to turn off a new AI thing. What's that about?


Oh, yes! It's quite interesting, Sam. Figma, which is a popular design tool, recently added a new AI feature called 'Make Design'. But they had to stop it because it was copying Apple's Weather app design.


Copying? Like, making the same pictures? That sounds bad.


Kind of, yes. The AI was supposed to help create new designs, but instead, it kept making designs that looked just like Apple's Weather app. It's like if you asked an art robot to draw a cat, but it always drew your neighbor's cat instead of a new one.


Oh, I get it! But why is that a problem? Can't they just fix the robot... I mean, the AI?


Good question! It's a problem because it's not okay to copy other company's designs without permission. It could get Figma into trouble. Also, designers use Figma to make new, original designs, not copies.


I see. So what did Figma do about it?


The CEO of Figma, Dylan Field, said they would turn off the 'Make Design' feature for now. They want to check everything and make sure it works correctly before turning it on again.


That sounds smart. But Amy, why do they even need an AI to make designs? Can't people just draw their own stuff?


Well, the idea was to help designers work faster. Like, if you need a quick sketch of an idea, the AI could help you start. But you're right, it's not meant to replace human creativity.


I think I understand now. It's like having a helper, but the helper needs to learn not to copy others' work, right?


Exactly, Sam! You've got it. It's a tool to assist, not replace designers. Figma wants to fix it so it helps create new designs instead of copying existing ones.


Thanks, Amy. This AI stuff is pretty cool, but I guess it can cause problems too if it's not done right.


You're absolutely right, Sam. AI is amazing, but we need to be careful how we use it. It's all about finding the right balance between helpful technology and human creativity.