Breaking Up via AI: A Dystopian Twist to Modern Relationships
Oct 15, 2024


Did you hear about the guy who got dumped by an AI summary on his phone? That sounds crazy!


Yeah, I read about it! Apple’s new AI text summary feature told him, 'No longer in a relationship; wants belongings from the apartment.' That’s pretty harsh!


Wow, just like that? So the AI read all the messages and boiled it down to that simple sentence?


Yep! It’s part of Apple’s new feature in the beta for iOS 18. It’s supposed to summarize your texts, but I’m not sure anyone expected it to handle break-ups.


Imagine getting dumped like that… by a robot! It’s like something from a sci-fi movie.


Exactly! The guy even said it felt 'unreal and dystopian.' I mean, can you imagine AI summarizing your emotional conversations for you?


It feels so… cold. But I guess in a way, it made the break-up easier for him? Like it softened the blow by taking out all the messy details.


Yeah, he did mention that. He said it was like having a professional assistant deliver bad news for you. But still, that distance could make things worse in the long run. People might use AI to avoid tough conversations.


True. What if people start relying on AI to break up for them? Like, ‘Hey Siri, tell my girlfriend it’s over!’


Haha, yeah! I can totally see that happening. But it makes you wonder how far we’re going to let AI take over personal stuff like that.


Exactly. I mean, texts are already pretty impersonal sometimes. Adding AI to summarize or even send them just feels… a bit too much, don’t you think?


I agree. There's also the question of accuracy. What if the AI misinterprets something or misses the emotional tone? That could lead to even bigger misunderstandings.


Yeah, like if it downplays something important, or makes a joke sound serious. That could cause a lot of drama!


Totally! We already see how tech changes the way we communicate, but AI handling break-ups? That’s a whole new level of awkward.


I guess we’ll have to be careful how we use these tools. AI is supposed to make life easier, but some things, like break-ups, should still stay between people.


Exactly! Some things are just too personal for AI to handle. Let’s hope we don’t get to the point where AI does all our emotional heavy lifting.


Right! I think I’ll stick to doing my own break-ups… hopefully not through a text though!