Decentralizing AI: How Blockchain Could Reshape the Future of Artificial Intelligence
Aug 22, 2024


Hey Amy, I heard something about blockchain making AI better. What's that all about?


That's right, Sam! People are trying to use blockchain to solve some big problems with how AI is currently set up.


Problems with AI? I thought AI was supposed to be really cool and helpful.


It is cool and helpful, but there are some issues. Right now, most of the powerful AI is controlled by big companies like Google and Amazon. Some people are worried about that.


Why is it bad if big companies control AI?


Well, these companies collect a lot of our personal information to make their AI work. Some people don't like sharing so much private stuff with big companies. Also, it means only a few companies get to decide how AI develops.


Oh, I see. So how does blockchain help with that?


Blockchain can help make AI more decentralized. That means instead of one big company controlling everything, lots of people can work together to create and use AI.


That sounds good! But how does it actually work?


There are new platforms, like one called NeurochainAI, that use blockchain to let people share resources like computer power and data storage. This makes it cheaper and easier for more people to develop AI.


Cool! So anyone could make their own AI?


Well, it's still pretty complicated, but it does make it more possible for smaller companies or groups to work on AI. And it lets people have more control over their own data.


I like the idea of controlling my own data. Is this decentralized AI being used already?


It's still pretty new, but it's growing. The idea is that in the future, AI could be more open and fair, with lots of people contributing instead of just a few big companies.


That sounds awesome! Do you think it will really change how AI works?


It could! It might help solve some big problems, like making AI more private and giving more people a chance to be part of creating it. But it's still early, so we'll have to wait and see how it develops.


Thanks, Amy! This stuff about AI and blockchain is really interesting. I'm going to keep learning about it!


That's great, Sam! It's an exciting time for technology, and who knows? Maybe you'll be part of making AI better for everyone in the future!