AI-Powered Scams and How to Avoid Them
Jul 3, 2024


Hey Amy, I just read something scary about AI scams. Can you tell me more about them?


Sure, Sam! AI scams are like regular scams, but they use smart computer programs to make them more believable. What kind of scam did you read about?


It was about voice cloning. They said AI can copy someone's voice from just a few seconds of talking. That's scary!


You're right, it is scary. Scammers can use this to pretend to be your family or friends. They might ask for money or help.


Oh no! How can we know if it's really our family calling?


Good question! If you get a strange call, it's best to hang up and call your family member directly. That way, you can be sure it's really them.


That makes sense. Are there other kinds of AI scams we should watch out for?


Yes, there are. Another big one is personalized phishing emails. AI can use information about you to make fake emails look real.


Wow, that sounds tricky. How can we spot these fake emails?


The best way is to be careful with all emails. Don't click on links or open files unless you're 100% sure they're safe. If you're not sure, ask someone who knows about computers.


Got it. Are there any other AI scams we should know about?


Yes, there's one more big one: deepfake images. AI can make fake pictures of people that look very real. Scammers might use these for blackmail.


That's terrible! What should we do if someone tries to blackmail us with fake pictures?


If that happens, it's important to tell the police. Don't pay the scammers. Remember, these pictures aren't real, and there are laws to protect people from this kind of harassment.


Thanks, Amy. This is all really helpful. It's a bit scary, but I feel better knowing how to protect myself.


You're welcome, Sam! The most important thing is to be careful online and trust your instincts. If something feels off, it probably is. And remember, it's always okay to ask for help if you're not sure about something!