AI Meets Crypto: The First AI-to-AI Transaction
Sep 8, 2024


Hey Amy, I heard something about AI doing crypto stuff. What's that all about?


Oh, that's exciting news! Coinbase, a big crypto company, just did something really cool. They made two AIs trade with each other using crypto.


Whoa, AIs can use money now? That sounds like sci-fi!


Kind of! They're not using regular money, but something called cryptocurrency. It's like digital money on the internet.


But why would AIs need money? Can they buy stuff?


Well, not exactly. In this case, they were trading special 'tokens' - kind of like words or information. But the important part is that they did it all by themselves, without any humans helping.


That's pretty cool! But I'm still not sure why it matters. Can you explain?


Sure! Think about it this way: if AIs can use money, they might be able to do more things on their own in the future. Like maybe book a flight or buy information they need.


Oh, I get it now. So it's like giving AIs their own wallet?


Exactly! And Brian Armstrong, the boss of Coinbase, thinks this could be really big. He says AIs can't use regular banks, but they can use these special crypto wallets.


Wow, that's wild. Do you think AIs will start shopping online soon?


Maybe! Armstrong is actually telling companies to get ready for AIs to use their online shops. He thinks there might be a whole economy just for AIs in the future.


That's mind-blowing! But wait, is it safe? What if the AIs start buying crazy stuff?


That's a good question, Sam. Right now, it's all very new and controlled. But you're right, as this develops, we'll need to think about safety and rules for AI transactions.


I hope they're careful. I don't want to wake up one day and find out an AI bought all the pizza in the world!


Don't worry, I don't think that'll happen! But it is exciting to see how AI and crypto are coming together. It might change how we think about money and technology.


Yeah, it's pretty cool. Maybe I should learn more about this crypto stuff.


That's a great idea, Sam! Just remember, it's a complicated topic, so take your time learning about it.