Google's New Pixel 9: Smartphones with Super Smart AI
Aug 18, 2024


Hey Amy, have you heard about the new Google Pixel 9 phones? They sound really cool!


Yes, I've been reading about them! Google just announced them earlier than usual. What caught your attention?


Well, they said something about AI in the phones. But what does that mean? How can a phone be smart like that?


Think of AI in phones like having a super-smart helper in your pocket. For example, the new Pixels can search for information in your screenshots. It's like having a detective that can find things in your photos!


That's neat! So if I take a picture of a menu, can it tell me what food is on it?


Exactly! And there's more. They have this thing called Gemini, which is like a smart robot you can chat with. It can help you do things while you're using other apps.


Wow, like a robot friend in the phone? That's cool! But why is Google making these phones? Aren't there already lots of phones out there?


Good question! Google wants to show off what their AI can do. It's like when you make a cool project for the science fair to show everyone what you've learned.


I get it! So, how many new phones did they make? And are they expensive?


They made four different Pixel 9 phones. The basic one costs $799, which is still a lot of money. But the coolest one can even fold, like a book!


A folding phone? That's crazy! What else can these phones do that's special?


Well, they have really good cameras. And get this - there's a feature that can add you to a group photo even if you're the one taking the picture!


No way! So I can be in the photo with my friends even if I'm behind the camera? That's like magic!


It does seem like magic, doesn't it? They use AI to blend two photos together. It's pretty amazing what technology can do now.


This all sounds so futuristic. Do you think these phones will be popular?


Well, right now, Google doesn't sell as many phones as big companies like Apple or Samsung. But these new features might make more people interested in trying them out.