Apple's AI Features Delayed in Europe
Jun 27, 2024


Hey Amy, did you hear that Apple won't release its new AI stuff in Europe? What's that all about?


Hi Sam! Yes, I did. Apple is delaying some cool new features in Europe because of rules there. It's kinda like when a game gets delayed in one country but not others.


Oh, I see. What kind of features are we talking about?


Well, the main one is called 'Apple Intelligence'. It's supposed to help with things like writing and creating emojis. There are also some screen sharing features.


That sounds neat! But why can't people in Europe have it?


It's because of something called the Digital Markets Act. It's a new set of rules in Europe that tries to make big tech companies play fair with smaller ones.


Play fair? Were they not playing fair before?


Well, some people think big companies like Apple have too much control. These rules try to make it easier for other companies to compete.


I get it. But how does that stop Apple from releasing its AI stuff?


Apple says the rules might force them to share too much of how their products work. They're worried this could make things less safe for users.


Oh, so it's about keeping people's information safe?


Exactly! Apple is really big on privacy. They don't want to risk people's personal data just to follow the rules.


That makes sense. Will Europe ever get these cool features?


Apple says they're trying to find a way. They want to work with the EU to make it happen, but it might take some time.


Wow, I never knew making AI could be so complicated! It's not just about the tech, but also about rules and safety.


You're right, Sam! It shows how important it is to think about more than just the cool parts of AI. We have to consider privacy and fairness too.


Thanks for explaining, Amy. I feel like I understand the news better now!