AI in Journalism: A Cautionary Tale from Wyoming
Aug 21, 2024


Hey Amy, did you hear about that reporter in Wyoming who got caught using AI to write news stories?


Yes, I did! It's a big deal in the world of journalism. The reporter used AI to make up quotes and even whole stories.


Wow, that's crazy! How did they catch him?


Another reporter noticed some strange things in the stories. Like quotes that sounded fake and writing that seemed too robotic.


I see. But why would a reporter use AI to write stories? Isn't that cheating?


It is cheating, and it goes against what journalism is all about – telling the truth. The reporter might have thought it was an easy way to write stories quickly.


That makes sense, but it's not right. What happened to the reporter who did this?


He had to quit his job. The newspaper also had to apologize to everyone and promise to make sure it never happens again.


Good! But how can they stop it from happening again?


They're working on new rules about using AI in their newspaper. They want to make sure all their reporters know that using AI to make up stories is not okay.


I'm glad they're doing something about it. But can't AI be useful for reporters in some ways?


Yes, it can! Some newspapers use AI to help with simple tasks, like writing about sports scores. But they always tell readers when they use AI.


That sounds much better. Do you think this will happen more in the future?


It might, which is why it's so important for newspapers to have clear rules about using AI. They need to make sure AI helps reporters without replacing real reporting.


I get it now. It's like using a calculator in math class – it can help, but you still need to know how to do the work yourself.


That's a great comparison! AI can be a useful tool, but it can't replace the hard work and ethics of real journalism.


This makes me think twice about believing everything I read. How can we know what's real?


That's a really good question, Sam. It's important to read news from trusted sources and to think critically about what we read. If something seems too good to be true, it might be!