Tech Giants Invest in OpenAI: A $100 Billion Valuation
Sep 1, 2024


Hey Amy, I just read something about OpenAI getting a lot of money. What's going on?


Oh, that's big news! OpenAI, the company that made ChatGPT, might get a huge amount of money from some really big tech companies. It could make OpenAI worth over $100 billion!


Wow, that's a lot of money! But why do they need it? I thought ChatGPT was super popular.


It is popular, but making AI like ChatGPT costs a lot of money. Last month, there were reports that OpenAI might run out of money in a year. They need this new money to keep working on AI.


Oh, I see. So who's giving them all this money?


Well, the big names are Microsoft, Apple, and NVIDIA. Microsoft already works a lot with OpenAI, but now Apple and NVIDIA might join in too.


That's cool! But why would Apple want to give money to OpenAI? Don't they make phones?


Good question! Apple is actually using some of OpenAI's technology in their products. They're trying to catch up in AI, and working with OpenAI could help them do that.


And what about NVIDIA? I've heard that name before.


NVIDIA makes special computer chips that are really important for AI. They might invest $100 million in OpenAI. It's like they're helping build the 'brain' that makes AI work.


That's interesting! But if OpenAI is worth so much money now, why did they almost run out of money before?


That's a great question! Even though OpenAI makes a lot of money, they spend even more on research and developing new AI. They're working on something called 'artificial general intelligence' or AGI, which is super advanced AI.


AGI sounds cool but also a bit scary. Is it safe?


You're right to think about that. Some people, even former OpenAI employees, have warned about risks. OpenAI says they're working on making AI safe, but it's a big challenge as AI gets more advanced.


I hope they figure it out. So what happens next with all this money?


Well, if the deal goes through, OpenAI will have more resources to work on new AI technologies. They might create even more advanced versions of ChatGPT or completely new AI tools. It's exciting, but also means AI will become an even bigger part of our lives.


That's a lot to think about. Thanks for explaining, Amy. I guess we'll be hearing a lot more about OpenAI and AI in the future!