Chinese AI Apps in US Education
Jul 17, 2024


Hey Amy, I heard something about Chinese apps helping US students with homework. What's that all about?


Hi Sam! Yes, there are some new AI apps from China that are becoming popular in the US for helping students with their schoolwork.


Wow, that sounds cool! How do these apps work?


Well, two of the big ones are called Question.AI and Gauth. They use AI to help students solve homework problems. You can take a picture of your homework, and the app will give you the answer and explain how to solve it.


That's amazing! But wait, isn't that like cheating?


That's a good question, Sam. These apps are meant to help students learn, not just give them answers. They explain the steps, so students can understand how to solve similar problems in the future.


Oh, I see. So it's like having a tutor on your phone?


That's a great way to think about it! These apps can give personalized help, just like a tutor would. They're becoming really popular in the US.


But why are Chinese apps becoming popular in the US? Don't we have our own apps?


We do, but these Chinese apps are using very advanced AI technology. In China, there's a lot of competition to make the best AI, so their apps are really good. Now they're bringing that technology to the US.


That makes sense. Is everyone happy about these apps coming to the US?


Not everyone. Some people are worried about privacy and how these apps use student data. There are also concerns about cultural differences in how we think about education.


What do you mean by cultural differences?


Well, in China, education often focuses on memorizing and practicing a lot. In the US, we also like to focus on being creative and thinking critically. The apps need to work well with how we learn in the US.


I get it now. So these apps are cool, but there's still some stuff to figure out?


Exactly! The technology is impressive, but there are challenges to work through. It'll be interesting to see how these apps change and grow in the US.


Thanks for explaining, Amy! I'm curious to see if my school starts using these apps.