From Taxi Tales to Tech Triumphs: Aptos' Web3 Revolution in Asia
Sep 16, 2024


Hey Amy, I just read about this company called Aptos. They're doing something with web3 in Asia. It sounds exciting, but I'm not sure I get all the details. Can you help me understand?


Sure, Sam! I'd be happy to chat about Aptos. What part caught your interest?


Well, I read that the CEO, Mo Shaikh, got interested in finance because of his dad's taxi job. But how did that lead to web3?


That's a great starting point! So, Mo noticed that when his dad made $100 driving a taxi, only $60 came home. The rest went to middlemen.


Oh, like when we buy stuff online and there are extra fees?


Exactly! Mo wanted to fix that problem. He studied finance and worked at big companies. Then he realized web3 could make money moves faster and cheaper.


I get that web3 uses blockchain, but how does Aptos make it better than other companies?


Good question! Aptos built a super-fast blockchain. They say it can do things 1,000 times cheaper than before. It's like comparing a bicycle to a rocket!


Wow, that's a big difference! But is it really useful in real life?


It is! They're working with big companies in Asia. For example, they partnered with a Korean phone company and a Japanese bank.


That's cool. But why focus on Asia? Isn't web3 popular everywhere?


It is, but Mo thinks Asia needs it more. Many Asian countries have old systems for moving money. Web3 can make things much easier.


I see. It's like upgrading from an old flip phone to a new smartphone, right?


That's a great way to think about it! And it's not just for money. They're using it for games too. Imagine playing a game where every move is recorded securely and cheaply.


That sounds fun! But don't new technologies usually have problems with rules and stuff?


You're right to ask that. Aptos is actually talking with governments in Asia. They want to make sure everything is safe and follows the rules.


It's amazing how one idea about taxi money turned into this big tech company. Maybe I'll come up with something like that someday!


I bet you will, Sam! You're already asking great questions. Who knows, maybe you'll create the next big thing in web3!