Understanding LLM Hallucinations
Jun 23, 2024


Hey Amy, I heard someone say that AI can 'hallucinate'. What does that mean? Can robots see things that aren't there?


That's a funny way to think about it, Sam! But no, AI doesn't see things. When we say AI 'hallucinates', we mean it sometimes says things that aren't true, even though it sounds very sure about it.


Oh, like when I make up an excuse for not doing my homework? But why would AI do that?


Not exactly, Sam. AI doesn't try to trick anyone. It's more like... imagine if you tried to answer a question about a book you only read half of. You might guess some parts wrong, right?


I get it! So the AI is just guessing when it's not sure?


That's close! The AI uses patterns it learned to make its best guess. Sometimes those guesses are wrong, but they sound right because the AI uses good grammar and speaks confidently.


That sounds tricky. How can we tell when the AI is right or wrong?


Good question! It's not always easy. That's why it's important to double-check important information the AI gives us, just like we'd fact-check something we read online.


Is there a way to stop AI from making these mistakes?


People are working on it! They're trying to train AI better and create ways to catch mistakes. But for now, we need to be careful and not believe everything AI says without checking.


Wow, that's interesting! It's kind of like teaching a robot to be more honest, right?


That's a fun way to think about it! It's more about making the AI more accurate, but your idea captures the spirit of it. We want AI to be as helpful and truthful as possible.