The Future of Podcasts: AI Takes Over with Google’s NotebookLM
Oct 20, 2024


Hey, have you heard about Google’s NotebookLM? It’s making AI-generated podcasts now!


Wait, AI can make podcasts? Like, it talks to itself?


Yeah, it’s kind of crazy! You give it some articles or videos, and it creates a conversation between two AI hosts. They discuss the content, just like a real podcast.


That sounds cool, but does it sound, you know, real? Or is it like those robotic voices?


Surprisingly, it sounds very real! They use a project called SoundStorm to make the voices flow naturally, with pauses and even little mistakes like 'um' and 'uh'. It’s kind of like how humans talk.


Wow! So it’s like AI is learning how to be a perfect podcast host. But what’s the point of it? Couldn’t anyone just record their own podcast?


True, but this is different. NotebookLM lets you create podcasts without needing recording equipment or even a script. You just feed it information, and it generates everything.


Hmm, so it’s like having an automatic podcast maker. Do you think people will stop making their own podcasts?


I don’t think so. AI podcasts can be super helpful, like if you need a quick summary of a topic, but they’re not replacing human creativity. People still want to hear real opinions and emotions, right?


Yeah, I get that. But what about things like copyright? If the AI is using content from articles, won’t that be a problem?


Good point. There are questions about intellectual property, especially when the AI is summarizing someone else’s work. Creators might worry that their content is being used without permission.


So, it’s kind of a double-edged sword. You get cool AI podcasts, but it might mess with people’s rights.


Exactly. It’s definitely going to raise some legal questions. But for now, it’s a tool that could help people save time or explore topics more easily.


Interesting. I wonder if in the future we’ll have AI podcasts that are better than human ones.


Who knows? But for now, I think humans still have the edge when it comes to creativity!