Job Scams on the Rise: How to Stay Safe
Jul 11, 2024


Hey Amy, I heard something scary on the news. They said job scams are getting worse. What's that all about?


Oh, Sam! I'm glad you asked. Job scams are when bad people trick you while you're looking for a job. They pretend to offer work but really want to steal your money or information.


Wow, that sounds scary! But why are they getting worse now?


Well, two big reasons. First, more people work from home now. Second, AI - you know, smart computer programs - are helping scammers make fake job ads look real.


Oh no! How can we know if a job is real or fake?


Good question! One big clue is if they ask for money or personal information too soon. Real jobs don't usually do that before you start working.


That makes sense. But what if the job ad is on a famous website? Isn't that safe?


Not always, Sam. Even big job websites can have fake ads sometimes. It's always good to check if the company is real before you apply.


I see. Is there anything else we should watch out for?


Yes! Be careful if a job sounds too good to be true. Like if they offer lots of money for easy work, it might be a trick.


Got it. But what if someone contacts me about a job I didn't apply for?


That's a red flag, Sam! It's safer to apply for jobs yourself. If someone contacts you first, be extra careful and check everything.


This is all so tricky! How do people fall for these scams?


Well, scammers are getting smarter. They use AI to write emails that look real. And some people are in a hurry to find work, so they might not check everything carefully.


I get it now. So, what's the best way to stay safe when looking for a job?


Great question! Always do your own research on the company. Don't give out personal information too soon. And if something feels off, trust your gut and be careful!


Thanks, Amy! I feel much better now. I'll be super careful when I start looking for my first job!


You're welcome, Sam! It's great that you're thinking about this. Being aware is the first step to staying safe. Good luck with your job hunt!