AI Meets Blockchain: The Future of Tech?
Aug 19, 2024


Hey Amy, I heard something about AI and blockchain coming together. What's that all about?


Oh, it's pretty exciting! AI and blockchain are two big technologies that people are trying to combine in new ways.


I know a bit about AI, but what's blockchain again?


Blockchain is like a super secure digital notebook that lots of computers share. It's used for things like Bitcoin. Now, people are finding ways to use it with AI.


That sounds cool! But why put them together?


Good question! AI needs lots of data to work well, and blockchain can help keep that data safe and available. Plus, it could make AI work in new, more trustworthy ways.


I see. But isn't blockchain kind of slow? I thought AI needed to be fast.


You're right, that's been a big problem. But there's a new system called 0G that's trying to fix that. It makes blockchain much faster and cheaper to use with AI.


0G? Like zero gravity? That's a cool name!


Yeah, it is! 0G can handle way more data much faster than other systems. This could help AI and blockchain work together better.


What kind of cool things could we do with AI and blockchain together?


Oh, lots of things! For example, it could help make smarter and fairer computer programs for buying and selling stocks. Or it could help doctors and scientists work together on cures without sharing private patient information.


Wow, that sounds important! Is this going to be a big deal in the future?


Many people think so! They say that combining AI and blockchain could be worth trillions of dollars in the future. It could change how we do lots of things, from banking to healthcare.


Trillions? That's a lot of money! So is everyone trying to do this now?


Many companies are starting to work on it. But it's still new and there are challenges to solve. The ones who figure it out first could be very successful.


This is so interesting! I'm going to keep an eye on this AI and blockchain stuff. Thanks for explaining, Amy!


You're welcome, Sam! It's an exciting time in technology. Who knows, maybe you'll come up with the next big idea in AI and blockchain!