AI Uncovers Hundreds of New Nazca Line Geoglyphs, Doubling Previous Discoveries
Oct 2, 2024


Hey, did you see the news? AI just helped discover over 300 new Nazca Lines in Peru!


Yeah, it’s incredible! It took researchers nearly 100 years to find 430 geoglyphs, but with AI, they found 303 more in just six months.


That’s crazy! How does AI even find these ancient drawings?


Well, the AI they used, called ResNet50, scanned images of the ground and flagged areas that looked like they could have geoglyphs. Then human archaeologists checked to confirm what the AI found.


So, it’s a mix of AI and humans working together. That’s pretty cool! What do these new geoglyphs show?


A lot of them are smaller than the famous ones and show humans, animals, and sometimes a mix of both. One of the most interesting ones is an 'Orca holding a knife!'


Orca with a knife? That sounds wild! What’s the story behind these geoglyphs, though? Do we know why they were made?


There are different theories. Some researchers think they could have been for religious rituals, while others believe they were markers for walking paths or even part of a calendar system.


That makes sense. It’s amazing that we’re still discovering new things about these ancient people.


Yeah, and it’s all thanks to AI speeding up the process. The Nazca Lines are so big and hard to spot from the ground, so using AI to analyze satellite images is making a huge difference.


I wonder what else AI will help us uncover in archaeology. It feels like the start of something big.


For sure. It’s revolutionizing the way we explore ancient history. Who knows what other mysteries it might help us solve!


Definitely! I can’t wait to see what they find next.