The Human Touch: Why AI Can't Create True Art
Sep 12, 2024


Hey Amy, have you heard about AI making art? It sounds pretty cool!


I've read about it, Sam. It's interesting, but there's a big debate about whether AI can really make true art.


Really? Why not? Can't computers do almost anything these days?


Well, a famous writer named Ted Chiang says that art is all about making choices. When you write a story or paint a picture, you're making lots of little decisions.


Oh, I see. So does AI not make choices?


Not really. AI just looks at lots of other art and tries to copy it. It doesn't have its own ideas or feelings to express.


But what if the AI gets really good at copying? Couldn't it make something that looks just like real art?


It might look similar, but Chiang says that art is more than just how it looks. It's about the artist trying to say something to the people who see their work.


I think I get it. It's like when I draw something for my mom - it means something because I made it for her.


Exactly! And AI doesn't have feelings or want to communicate like we do. It's just putting words or images together without really meaning anything.


So even if AI art looks cool, it's missing something important?


Yes, it's missing the human touch. Chiang says that's what makes art special - it comes from our lives and experiences.


I never thought about it that way. Do you think AI will ever be able to make real art?


Chiang doesn't think so. He believes that true art needs human intention and emotion, which AI just can't have.


Wow, that's pretty deep. I guess I'll stick to making my own art then!


That's a great idea, Sam! Your art will always be special because it comes from you.


Thanks, Amy! I feel better about my drawings now, even if they're not perfect.


That's the spirit! Remember, it's not about being perfect - it's about expressing yourself.